Nálezy podle období  
Titanoecidae 0-19001901-19501951-20002001+
Titanoeca quadriguttata Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) Není ohrožený 26× 341× 119× 490×
Titanoeca schineri Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 Téměř ohrožený 11× 46× 56× 116×
Titanoeca spominima Titanoeca spominima (Taczanowski, 1866) 12×
Titanoeca tristis Titanoeca tristis L. Koch, 1872 Nezvěstný


 © Oto Zimmermann
Spiders employ a wide range of foraging strategies and some are known to use conditional foraging behavior, which is tailored to the type of prey attacked. Little is known about the prey capture behavior of cribellate titanoecid spiders. Here, we investigated the fundamental trophic niche and predatory behavior of a cribellate-web spider, Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833). Juvenile spiders were collected under stones in a quarry and used in the experiment. We offered each individual nine prey types (spider, springtail, termite, cricket, cockroach, beetle, fly, moth, and ant) and observed the frequencies of capture and consumption, and the foraging behavior. We found that Titanoeca quadriguttata accepted many prey types, and thus, that its fundamental trophic niche was wide. The hunting behavior differed among prey types, depending on the size and potential danger of the prey. Two capture behaviors were used to overcome prey on the web. For dangerous and some large prey, such as spiders and crickets, the spider bit its victim and immediately retreated, whereas for innocuous and small prey, such as springtails and flies, the spider bit its victim and held it in the chelicerae. Attacks were administered to different body parts of prey. For example, ants were always bitten on the head, and crickets were bitten on the legs. We conclude that Titanoeca quadriguttata is an euryphagous generalist predator which uses conditional prey capture behavior to catch a variety of prey types.



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Dle metody sběru (618 použitých nálezů)
Zemní pastSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 365 51 22 176
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 44 16 5 27
Titanoeca spominima (Taczanowski, 1866) 13 0 0 4
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 53 38 8 131
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 53 16 7 68
Titanoeca spominima (Taczanowski, 1866) 0 0 0 3
Titanoeca tristis L. Koch, 1872 0 1 0 1
Individuální sběrSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 89 121 80 143
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 15 9 7 17
Titanoeca spominima (Taczanowski, 1866) 4 3 0 5
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 12 11 8 19
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 0 0 0 1
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 16 8 7 18
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 1 0 0 1
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 0 1 1 2
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 1 0 0 1
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 5 2 0 1

Dle biotopu (618 použitých nálezů)
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 219 89 35 263
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 68 20 9 80
Titanoeca spominima (Taczanowski, 1866) 0 0 0 3
Titanoeca tristis L. Koch, 1872 0 1 0 1
Suché loukySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 88 34 38 60
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 6 2 6 9
Lesostepní doubravySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 68 16 5 39
Skalní stepi na vápenciSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 32 13 7 32
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 15 4 1 6
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 19 40 14 22
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 1 0 0 1
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 4 2 2 3
Titanoeca spominima (Taczanowski, 1866) 17 3 0 9
Xerotermní travinobylinná společenstvaSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 24 15 0 8
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 1 0 1 2
Suché doubravySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 18 3 1 9
Kamenité suti nižších polohSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 13 3 4 8
Porosty borůvekSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 15 0 1 5
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 3 0 0 3
Stinné skály nižších polohSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 9 0 4 7
Reliktní bory na skaláchSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 4 3 1 6
Těžebny písku a jiných nezpevněných horninSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 4 1 1 3
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 3 5 0 2
Lesní okrajeSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 8 0 1 5
Skalní stepi na jiných hornináchSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 0 2 7 4
Vřesoviště nižších polohSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 0 1 0 1
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 4 6 0 3
Okraje silnicSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 3 0 1 2
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 5 2 0 2
Acidofilní borySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 7 0 0 3
Výsadby jehličnanůSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 0 2 1 2
Travnaté stepiSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 0 1 4 2
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 0 5 0 1
Železniční náspySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 1 1 0 1
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 0 0 1 1
Suché křovinySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 1 0 0 1
Polní biotopySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 1 0 0 1
Haldy a výsypkySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 1 0 0 1
Suché lesní lemySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 0 1 0 1
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 1 1 0 1
Ovocné sady s luční vegetacíSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca schineri L. Koch, 1872 1 0 0 1
Výsadby listnáčůSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 1 0 0 1
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 2 0 0 1
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 0 1 0 1
Suťové a roklinové lesySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) 4 0 0 1