 © Oto Zimmermann
Ivan Mihál, RNDr. Petr Dolejš, Ph.D., Stanislav Korenko

Most parasitoid wasps establish close interactions with their host taxa, and polysphinctines (ichneumonid koinobiont spider-ectoparasitoids) are no exception. Two polysphinctines, Zatypota picticollis and Reclinervellus nielseni, are, respectively, partial and exclusive parasitoids of Cyclosa spp. (Araneidae), which build an orb web with web decoration. The main aim was to investigate the host association of these wasps, including the behavioural alteration of spider hosts across two sides of the Palaearctic (Central Europe vs. Japan).

R. nielseni was associated with relatively common local species of Cyclosa both in Europe (C. conica), sharing these with Z. picticollis, and in Japan (C. argenteoalba). We also found a new alternative host spider, Cyclosa laticauda, in Japan.

Host web alterations were observed in all parasitoid-spider interrelationships. The alteration patterns of the two polysphinctines have a similar constructional plan that exploits pre-existing frame lines for the cocoon webs; however, they differ partially in their radii, which are either straight or zigzag shaped and in hub loops present or absent. This indicates that certain differences in the neurophysiologic changes in the spider host occur depending on the parasitoids. The fluffy decoration induced in C. argenteoalba manipulated by R. nielseni was not found in C. conica or C. laticauda, probably because of its non-innateness.

The cocoons of R. nielseni had four conspicuous long ribs making the cocoon quadrate in cross-section regardless of the host spider species or region; such ribs do not appear in two co-generic species.

 © Oto Zimmermann
Mgr. Anna Šestáková, Ph.D., Ivan Mihál
A new genus and species of small harvestman was found for the first time in Slovakia – Carinostoma elegans (Sørensen, 1894). One male and two females were collected in the Mlyňany arboretum of the Slovak Academy of Science (western Slovakia). Descriptions and photographs of both sexes of C. elegans are provided. Additional comments, and a map of distribution of all species of this genus, are provided.